Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Minus Stonewall after Chancellorsville

I am writing my blog about Stonewall's death. We recently read the article "Minus Stonewall" and this article really got me thinking. For the paragraph we had to write on the back, I really thought about the role Stonewall played and how his death impacted the war. I believe that Stonewall wouldn't have defeated the Union and won the war for the rebels, but he has a great general and definitely a symbol of the rebellion. His loss is more of a moral victory rather than a millitaristic loss. His death spurred hope into the Union and set fear and loss of hope into the South. The team of Lee and Stonewall wouldn't be the same either. With Stonewall around I think the war would have dragged out longer, but would have had the same outcome.



Anonymous said...

I agree with Jeff in that i think that Stonewall's death didn't really affect the outcome of the war eventhough it morally affected both sides (good for the union; bad for the confed).I also agree that the war would have held out longer if stonewall had been there: beacuse of his death,Lee had to reorganize the army and had to choose two incompetent generals (Hill and Ewell) who pretty much screwed things up. Nonetheless,I think the Union would still have won.

Anonymous said...

I do not agree with Jeff. Although Stonewall was a great leader and General he was only in one thetier of the war. If he was haveing succsess in the North, which still wasn't garinteed the south was still of been desimated in the West and in the South. If the South of the CSA fell then there would of been no way to supply Stonewall so his Campain would of ground to a halt.

Dan Murdock