Why do you think Abraham Lincoln wrote the EP?
- Was this solely to free the slaves, because if it was, the EP only freed slaves in Confederate territory - land over which the Union had no control.
- Was Lincoln bowing to pressure from the abolitionist wing of the Republican Party and finally freeing the slaves?
- Was it to keep Britain and France out of the war? Is this a diplomatic move that put those nations in the tricky position of being a free nation recognizing and aiding a slave nation?
- Was it to encourage slaves to rebel and flee to the North? Would these freed slaves then be given a chance to fight for the Union?
- Was it to change the scope of the war - instead of union, it was now fought over slavery?
- Is it something else not listed above?
- Or is it a combination of these reasons? Explain.
Please discuss your answer in a comment on this blog along with your first name only. This journal is fifteen points.